Friday, February 8, 2013


Identify Concerns that must change (look to the future)
1.  Help students develop a sense of pride and ownership of interactive notebooks which    
     may help student success in the classroom.
2.  Implementation of new ideas with interactive notebooks to help students achieve  
3.  More staff training on ways to use interactive student notebooks.

Identify Affirmations that must be sustained (look to the present)
1.  All grade levels continue to use the interactive notebooks for various subjects
2.  Teachers use the interactive notebooks as a showcase of knowledge learned  for 
     specific  subjects to share with parents, administrators, and students to have as a  
     study tool.
3.  Students write more in notebooks rather than glue handouts.

SMART Recommendations that must be implemented:
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
1.  All teachers follow a basic guideline of using the interactive notebooks that can be 
     extended upon from year to year.
2.  Spiral notebooks be provided or included on the student’s supply list every year.
3.  Use interactive notebooks as part of student’s grade towards a particular subject.

EVALUATE – Specifically and Often
(Identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations.)
1.  Walk-throughs of administrators
2.  Random selected students share notebooks with administrators on a weekly/monthly 
3.  Interactive notebooks displayed at parent conferences, group meetings, etc. to have
     reflective conversations regarding their content.

This is my Tool 8.1 CARE MODEL planning tool from  Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools by Sandra Harris, Stacey Edmonson, Julie Combs.

Research EDLD 5301

Please feel free to comment on its’ contents.  Your comments will help me expand my knowledge of my action research.  

Collaboration of My Action Research Plan

   I met with my interning principal a couple of times this week.  Once on the morning of February 6th and a second time on February 8th.  I used her comments, the comments from the Research 5301 discussion board through Lamar University, and comments from my research blog to make some revisions for my action research plan. 
   My principal thought it would be difficult to gather the journals from the previous year for the targeted group of students that are now in fourth grade.  I agreed, and we came to the consensus that I could leave it on my template with a special wording that would indicate that it was only a possibility.  It may prove to be difficult to get some or even one of them, but I will have all of this years and next year’s notebooks to take samples from.   She also commented that I needed to remove the assistant principal’s name from the template under the “person responsible” column, so I deleted her name.  The assistant principal at my interning school has been out on personal leave and may be out through April, so my principal felt it would be best to remove her from the plan.  My interning principal and other staff would fill in where I had put my assistant principal. 
   My interning principal was very supportive and I felt a sense of ease about my plan after discussing it with her.  She gave me several people on the school campus that are very knowledgeable with the interactive notebooks and thought they could add to my research if needed.  She was very helpful and assured me that getting the test scores would not be a problem.  She also had some data that the school district had shared with her that may be of some use. She signed and dated my action research plan on the Tool 7.1 template.  It is now ready to submit.

New Action Research Template (revised)

Action Planning Template (Updated 2/6/2013)
Goal:  What is the Effectiveness of the Use of Interactive Science Notebooks Towards Student Achievement?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Establish the selection of the bilingual and
monolingual students.

Pam Mitchell

Pat Shoffit, Principal

4th grade science teachers

Feb.  2013

Class roll of one 4th grade monolingual and one 4th grade bilingual

These are the targeted students that my research will be based on.
(The research will include the same students as 3rd graders, then 4th graders this year and next year when they are 5th graders.)

Calculate the % of  students and teachers that enjoy and those who do not like the science notebooks

Pam Mitchell

4th grade science students and 3rd-5th grade teachers

Spring  2013


Reveal the data positive/negative feelings

Gather 3rd- 5th  grade   district science benchmarks at end of each term for targeted group

Pam Mitchell

Pat Shoffit, Principal

School year: 2011-2012 fall and spring

school year: 2012-2013 fall and spring

2013 fall

School district benchmarks, where applicable with grade level

Data showing comparisons of 3rd grade scores of same students from fall 2011- fall 2013

Gathering of 3rd grade science notebooks for 2011-2012 (if possible)

Pam Mitchell

4th grade science students and teachers

Spring  2013

Note to go home in take-home folders

Show data of same students’ work beginning in 3rd through 5th grade

Samples of student’s work

Research data from online sources concerning use of science interactive notebooks

Pam Mitchell

Spring 2013-Summer 2013

Research related data through online sources

Analyze data and submit into my research

Poll teachers to determine ways science journals are used & how often

Pam Mitchell

3rd- 5th grade teachers

Spring 2013

Poll survey

Analyze survey data with a chart

Poll targeted groups to determine % of students that used  science notebooks while in grade 3

Pam Mitchell

4th grade teachers & possibly students from targeted groups

March, 2013

Poll survey

Analyze survey data with a chart

List and elaborate on extent of cross-curriculum use of science journals, grades 3-5

Pam Mitchell

All 3rd - 5th grade teachers

May, 2013


Results of use of journals with cross-curriculum

Track district writing benchmarks (if taken) of targeted group

Pam Mitchell

3rd- 5th  grade results of targeted students

3rd-5th teachers

Spring 2013-fall 2013

Writing benchmarks fall & spring 2012-2013, fall 2013

Analyze data to see if an increase in student achievement

Sample organizational skills
using science journals

Pam Mitchell

4th and 5th grade students

Spring 2013-Fall 2013

Science journals

Pictorial samples from students’ journals displaying organizational skills

Analyze all data results and share results with teachers and administrators

Pam Mitchell

Spring 2014

Research summary and data

Communicate all resulting action research data through written documentation.